What is Adshares operator?
The Operator (node) is responsible for validating and processing transactions.
Nodes enable the Adshares network traffic. They synchronize blockchain data, manage users and transactions.
The Operator (node) is responsible for validating and processing transactions.
Nodes enable the Adshares network traffic. They synchronize blockchain data, manage users and transactions.
The Adshares blockchain is designed to process very high volume of small transactions – like paying for banner display across hundreds of websites.
No other blockchains are efficient enough (in terms of speed and gas fees) to serve the digital advertising industry.
The fee for transaction processing and network maintenance is fixed at 1% (one per mille).
When the transaction is made within one node – the fee is halved to 0,5%.
20% of the fee goes to the node operator, and 80% is burned.