What is web3ads agency?
web3ads is a creative agency that provides professional services for advertising campaigns in metaverse.
For more information, click here.
web3ads is a creative agency that provides professional services for advertising campaigns in metaverse.
For more information, click here.
The protocol fees are tied to application layer where: * 1% of ad turnover of every AdServer is burned.
web3ads ad server is a digital advertising platform that allows website/land owners and advertisers to manage their ad campaigns.
To find out how to register an account on web3ads ad server, click here.
Adshares protocol allows to transfer and display ads in all available formats: static PNG, JPEG, animated GIF, MP4 videos.
Current list of available units and all stats can be viewed here adshares.net/units
You can check them on web3ads.net, once you log in as an Advertiser and Create your campaign.
The list of parcels changes constantly.
Current network of Publishers can be viewed here adshares.net/network
The ADS Wallet is your basic identity on the Adshares blockchain (just like any other wallet).
It’s our proprietary app allowing you to control, review, swap, wrap, send or receive your ADS coins.
It also allows you to use the AdServer with all of its functionalities.
The ADS coin and wrapped token can be held in the native Adshares Wallet, or in Metamask (as wrapped token on BSC, ETH or POLYGON).
ADS tokens are available on a number of Centralized (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges.
CEX: Bitmart, Changelly.PRO
DEX: Uniswap, Apeswap, Pancakeswap, Quickswap